Unilateral Cerebral Palsy is the most common neurological chronic disease in childhood with a significant burden on children, their families and health care system.

Our project aims to develop evidence-based clinical Decision Support Tools for personalised functional diagnosis, Upper Limb assessment and home-based intervention for children with UCP, by developing, testing and validating trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and cost-effective strategies.

AINCP is a Digital Health project funded by the European Union and led by the University of Pisa.

Research results are progressively published here.

Our approach

Clinical diagnosis

Establish a clinical diagnosis and accurate prognosis for treatment response of individual Unilateral Cerebral Palsy profiles, by employing a multimodal approach including clinical phenotyping, advanced brain imaging and real-life monitoring of Upper Limb function.

The AInCP will build upon personalised diagnostic and rehabilitative Decision Support Tool to be developed and validated through large observational and rehabilitation studies, including at least 200 and 150 children with UCP, respectively.

Personalised home-based treatment

Provide personalised home-based treatment, from advanced Information Communication Technologies and Artificial intelligence technologies.


AINCP uses a multidisciplinary approach, where all project collaborators (clinicians, data scientists, physicists, engineers, economists, ethicists, small medium-sized enterprises, children and parent associations) will work closely together in building the solution.


This approach will hinge on multi-dimensional data, sets of innovative devices and fair AI-based algorithms, clinically effective and able to reduce users and market barriers of acceptability, reimbursability and adoption of the proposed solution.

Project Boards

  • The General Assembly is the highest level decision-making body in the project.

    Led by: Giuseppina Sgandurra and Giuseppe Prencipe - UNIPI

    Giovanni Cioni - FSM

    Rocío Palomo - UCLM

    Matteo Cianchetti - SSSA

    Wil van Dommelen - NOLDUS

    Francesca Fedeli - FTS

    Marco Pirini - KHYMEIA

    David Berghold - TYM

    Roslyn Boyd - UQ

    Fiorella Battaglia - UNISALENTO

    Hilde Feys - KU Leuven

  • The Executive Board has the principal role of delivering the proper execution and implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly and of proposing the General Assembly any changes in the project or consortium plan.

    Led by: Giuseppina Sgandurra and Giuseppe Prencipe - UNIPI

    Giovanni Cioni - FSM

    Rocío Palomo - UCLM

    Martina Maselli - SSSA

    Wil van Dommelen - NOLDUS

    Francesca Fedeli - FTS

    Marco Pirini - KHYMEIA

    David Berghold - TYM

    Roslyn Boyd - UQ

    Fiorella Battaglia - UNISALENTO

    Lisa Mailleux - KU Leuven

  • The Innovation Management Board has the role of identifying innovative approaches within AINCP implementation program and seeking synergies with governments, national and international organizations, civil society organizations, private sector and communities instrumental in carrying out the project.

    Led by: Giuseppe Prencipe and Corrado Priami - UNIPI

    Chiara Bernardi and

    Pamela Federighi - FSM

    Angel Basco and

    Cristina Lirio - UCLM

    Leopoldo Trieste - SSSA

    Wil van Dommelen - NOLDUS

    Roberto D'Angelo - FTS

    Marco Pirini - KHYMEIA

    David Berghold - TYM

    Alex Pagnozzi and

    Jurgen Fripp - UQ/CSIRO

    Fiorella Battaglia - UNISALENTO

    Hilde Feys - KU Leuven

  • The Communication Board takes care of all communication activities for the project.

    Led by: Francesca Fedeli - FTS

    Silvia Filogna - UNIPI

    Roberta Rezoalli - FSM

    Purificacion Lopez - UCLM

    Francesco Ceccarelli - SSSA

    Wil van Dommelen - NOLDUS

    Sofia Toffanin - KHYMEIA

    David Berghold - TYM

    Jurgen Fripp - UQ-CSIRO

    Loredana De Vitis - UNISALENTO

    Alexia Kalkantzi - KU Leuven

  • The Ethics Advisory Board has the role of guiding and advising the Consortium in all ethical aspects involved during the research activities.

    Led by: Fiorella Battaglia - UNISALENTO

    Andrea Guzzetta - UNIPI

    Olena Chorna - FSM

    Helena Romay - UCLM

    Giuseppe Turchetti - SSSA

    Wil van Dommelen - NOLDUS

    Francesca Fedeli - FTS

    Marco Pirini - KHYMEIA

    Iris Jakob - TYM

    Jurgen Fripp - UQ/CSIRO

    Lisa Mailleux - KU Leuven




  • Prof. Giuseppina Sgandurra

    Principal Investigator - Executive Board

    Università di Pisa, Italy

  • Prof. Giuseppe Prencipe

    co-Principal Investigator - Executive Board

    Università di Pisa, Italy

  • Dr. Francesca Fedeli

    Dr. Francesca Fedeli

    Partner - Communication Board

    FTS, Italy

  • Prof. Giovanni Cioni


    IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris, Italy

  • Prof. Roslyn Boyd

    Prof. Roslyn Boyd

    Partner - Executive Board

    CSIRO and University of Queensland, Australia

  • Prof. Rocío Palomo

    Prof. Rocío Palomo

    Partner - Executive Board

    Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, Spain

  • Prof. Hilde Feys

    Partner - Executive Board

    KU Leuven, Belgium

  • Prof. Nana Nino Tatishvili

    Prof. Nana Nino Tatishvili

    Partner - David Tvildiani Medical University, Georgia

  • Dr. Matteo Cianchetti

    Partner - Executive Board

    Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Italy

  • Dr. Wil Van Dommelen

    Dr. Wil Van Dommelen

    Partner - Executive Board

    Noldus, The Netherlands

  • Dr. Marco Pirini

    Dr. Marco Pirini

    Partner - Executive Board

    Khymeia, Italy

  • Dr. Fiorella Battaglia

    Partner - Ethics Board

    Università del Salento, Italy

  • Dr. Iris Jakob

    Partner – Executive Board

    Tyromotion, Austria