We are recruiting for the Observational Study

Study description

We are recruiting children and teen-agers with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy for AINCP observational study at our Clinical Centers in Italy and Spain.

We will shortly announce the recruitment at our Clinical Centers in Belgium and Georgia too.

The purpose is to make a comprehensive assessment of upper limbs that will allow us to better study hand function and its possibilities of recovery.

In the next two years, we will enroll participants who will receive two days of overall assessment, followed by a clinical feedback from our equipe.

Participants will have the chance to take part also to the subsequent treatment study, including an innovative personalized rehab plan at home.


  • age from 5 to 15 years old

  • with confirmed diagnosis of hemiplegia-type CP

  • mild to moderately severe impairment of upper extremity function

  • no recent upper limbs botox or surgery

  • able to speak and understand mother language

How to apply

The first stage of application is very simple. Choose your Country above and click on the button: you will find all the details in a dedicated page in your language and a form to apply.

Insert your contact details (name, surname, email) and you will be contacted by our clinicians residing in your country. You will also receive the information form about the study.

Using the application form you accept our Privacy Policy, read it here.

Recruiting process: steps and timing

  1. You will receive the information form: in this document, you will find all information about the study and its participation, such as which assessments will be planned;

  2. Pre-screening phone call: one of our experts will contact you to assess that all basic requirements are met (including neuro-cognitive screening);

  3. Tele-visit with a doctor: this step will decide your full eligibility;

  4. Full assessment at our clinical centers: pending previous steps and to be decided according to family availability.

What you will get

Your child will receive an overall assessment by our expert clinicians in CP, together with a formal clinical feedback from our equipe. You will join one of the most innovative project in the field of personalized medicine for UCP: this is a rare chance to take part to the leading edge project for motor rehab in children with UCP.