Know the AINCP Team 

The AINCP project involves a wide range of contributors: clinical, technological, ethical and social (families and children).

It is led by the University of Pisa with, as scientific coordinator, the researcher Dr. Giuseppina Sgandurra of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, together with a group of researchers from the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa coordinated by Professor Giuseppe Prencipe.

The clinical trial will be handled by the IRCCS Stella Maris Foundation of Calambrone (prof. Giovanni Cioni); the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna with the Institute of Biorobotics (Eng. Matteo Cianchetti) for the development of new sensorized devices with robotic technology and the Institute of Management (Prof. Giuseppe Turchetti) for the sustainability of the project in the European health system.  

The University of Salento (prof Fiorella Battaglia) will deal with the ethical aspects of the use of artificial intelligence in the developmental age.  

For the first time, FightTheStroke Foundation, with its operational arm FTS SME, the main Italian group in support of parents of children with cerebral palsy, takes part from the design phase and will bring the voice of the needs of families co- creating solutions designed around young patients; as well as the presence in the consortium of three companies in the sector: Khymeia for the development of software and tele-healthcare architecture; Noldus Information Technology for the development of a new innovative software platform for the observation phase of the action observation treatment, and Tyromotion GMBH which will guide the daily monitoring of the evaluation of the upper limbs.

As international partners there will be Universidad De Castilla - La Mancha (Spain), Katholieke Univesiteit Leuven (Belgium) who together with Stella Maris will take care of the clinical part, providing for the involvement of at least 200 children, The University of Queensland (Australia) for fine tuning the development of artificial intelligence algorithms to be integrated into the model. 


What kind of Artificial Intelligence? Interview with Giuseppe Prencipe


What is the AINCP project and why it is important