Studio osservazionale AINCP in Italia: come sta andando la prima fase di reclutamento e risposta alle domande più frequenti (Italian/ English)
Questo articolo offre un aggiornamento sulle attività dello studio osservazionale AINCP in Italia e si rivolge a tutte le persone interessate, soprattutto ai genitori italiani che hanno fatto domanda di partecipazione.
Highlights from 2023: a year in review
In this article, you will find the highlights of AINCP European project activities in 2023.
Il progetto AINCP - Lo sviluppo e le fasi (Italian)
Il progetto AINCP viene spiegato su Digital World, il programma di Rai Cultura condotto da Matteo Bordone per capire meglio le nuove tecnologie, "piccoli post di sopravvivenza digitale".
La hemiparesia infantil y cómo participar en el proyecto AINCP
Vídeo entrevista sobre hemiparesia infantil y cómo participar en el proyecto AINCP en España.
Clinical assessment of the manual function
Why is the clinical assessment of the hand movement important and what does assessment provide in clinical and research settings?
6th October World Cerebral Palsy Day: the Importance of Scientific Research and the European AINCP Project for children with Cerebral Palsy
In collaboration with researchers, clinicians and families, online and offline events will be held on 6 and 7 October, dedicated to Italian families, children and young people with cerebral palsy and to all citizens. (Photo credits: FightTheStroke Fondation)
Clinical aspects of AI in medicine: interview with Giuseppina Sgandurra
Personalised medicine in the AINCP project
What kind of Artificial Intelligence? Interview with Giuseppe Prencipe
What it means to use Artificial Intelligence in the treatment of Cerebral Palsy and what kind of AI is used in the AINCP project.